Constipation is a prevalent condition having fewer than three bowel movements in a week with stools that are painful and challenging to pass because they are hard, dry, and tiny. All age groups are susceptible to constipation. Simple lifestyle changes can reduce the symptoms of constipation. Home remedies have been relied by people for centuries to cure and control constipation. Constipation, however, occasionally signals a significant underlying issue. When talking about constipation, embarrassmsssent is frequently felt. Therefore, you should visit a doctor if your constipation is severe or if your symptoms do not get better.
Causes of Constipation:
A few common causes of constipation are:
- Inadequate hydration
- Lack of fibre in the diet
- Lack of exercise
- Excessive stress
- Ignoring the desire to urinate.
Other factors that contribute to constipation include:
- Some medications, including iron supplements and pain relievers
- Pregnancy
- Excessive laxative usage
- Medical illnesses, including Parkinson’s disease, depression, multiple sclerosis (MS), and thyroid disease.
- Celiac disease, diverticulitis (colon disease) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Constipation in toddlers is a common problem when they first start eating solid foods. Older children can develop constipation, when they repress bowel movements.

Symptoms of Constipation:
- Painful bowel movement
- Prolonged use of toilet.
- The feeling that bowel has not been completely emptied
- Dry and hard stools
- Abdominal cramps
- Bloating
- Straining for bowel movement
- Less frequent bowel movements
Remedies for Constipation:
1. Adequate hydration:
Drinking enough water will aid gastrointestinal tract (GIT) in producing stool with the proper consistency.
Water is required for all of your organs. In order to provide water to your heart, brain, and lungs, your colon will draw water from the food you eat. If you don’t drink enough water, your colon will try to conserve the limited amount available. Finally, leads to constipation.
Drink plenty of liquids for soft stools that are easier to pass. Drink 1.5-2 litre of water per day but not all at once. For optimal benefits, sip a 250 ml glass of water several times during the day.

2. Exercise makes things go:
Constipation will undoubtedly improve with exercise. After a meal, people from some cultures go for walk. The digestive process is stimulated by that action.
Your colon will begin to move after a 10- or 15-minute walk, which is a good, natural reaction.
The idea is similar to “runner’s gut,” which you may be familiar with. Due to a hyperactive colon, long-distance runners may occasionally suffer with the urge to go.
3. Fiber prevents both diarrhoea and constipation:
Vegetables are high in fibre, which aids with digestive regulation. The benefit of fibre is that it helps with both diarrhoea and constipation. For people with constipation, it helps keep fluids in, and for those with diarrhoea, it gives the stool more weight to help form the stool.
- Insoluble fibre traps water, resulting in softer, simpler-to-pass stools. Brown rice, whole grains, green beans, broccoli, and cabbage are sources of insoluble fibre.
- Soluble fibre gives faeces bulk, which stops diarrhoea. Source of soluble fibre are oats, apples, berries, beans, nuts, and seeds
If you’re not used to consuming fibre, introducing more slowly will enable your body to adjust. Eating too much fibre all at once may cause cramps, gas, and bloating. Over the course of many days, gradually increase the amount of fibre in your diet.

4. Coffee stimulates your colon:
A slow-moving gut can also be stimulated by caffeinated beverages including coffee, soda, and tea. The colon may begin to move a little more after consuming caffeine. Because of this, some people believe that their morning coffee gets them going.
5. Mild laxatives can also be beneficial:
You might also opt for a mild laxative if exercise and hydration aren’t helping. It’s normally ok to try an over-the-counter laxative. But it’s a good idea to see a doctor if the laxatives aren’t working.
6. Consume probiotic foods or supplement:
Probiotics might aid in preventing chronic constipation. Probiotics are live, beneficial bacteria that are found in the gut naturally. Probiotics includes Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria. Probiotic food can help people raise their levels.
Some people with persistent constipation have an unbalanced bacterial population. Increased consumption of probiotic foods can help maintain this balance and prevent constipation.
To test if this helps with constipation, try taking probiotic supplements, which are sold online, or eating more probiotic-rich foods.